Carbon Targets

The climate is changing, and the world is heating up! We know that our impact matters and we are doing everything we can to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs). We need to act now!


  • Renewable Energy

    Switch to 100% renewable energy by 2030 in our Australian offices and warehouses and encourage suppliers to do so as well

  • Net Zero Emissions

    Offset a further 40% of our carbon emission from our 2020 baseline from offshore operations by 2025 and 100% by 2030, where renewables unfeasible

  • Plastics Reduction

    Reduce our use of petrochemical derived single-use plastics by 50% by 2030 and transition to renewable packaging alternatives where possible

As a business we feel responsible to take leadership in the global transition to net zero emissions. We are currently investigating the transition to renewable energy at our Australian headquarters. We are also measuring our impact along the value chain and seeking ways to improve our partner’s and suppliers' impact by carefully selecting low impact materials, low impact dyeing methods and renewable energy options. We seek to adopt great carbon offsetting initiatives in the areas where it is hard to reduce emissions further. We want to become fully carbon neutral by 2030. We know that this is a highly ambitious target, but we also know it is what’s needed to stay on track of the Paris Agreement on climate change.

‘As a business and a brand we are deeply committed to evolving our practices to become the sustainable choice for all Australians.’

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